They Don’t Love Us – King Jesus vs. World Leaders: A quick look at the differences in ways Jesus takes care of us versus our fellow men.
Let’s begin with this Scripture Text!
7 Then Jesus said to them again, “Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. 8 All who ever came [a]before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. 9 I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. 12 But a [b]hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. 13 The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep. 14 I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.
(Source: The Book of John – Chapter 10- Verses 7-14, NKJV)
In this text, Jesus Christ distinguishes Himself from all the other shepherds. He is the good shepherd! Here, He does not present Himself as the great King of kings, although He is that and more. Instead, He shows Himself as the Caring and Good Shepherd; these point to His willingness to personally lead and care for His sheep. He came serving His Father. He also fulfilled His Father’s interests by giving eternal life as a gift to whosoever receives it! The gift is given to us freely.
Furthermore, He considers Himself as the door through which the sheep must go through to find pasture for food. He indicated that as the door He offers protection from thieves and wolves and such like. He also revealed Himself as the Saviour of the world. He further expressed the desire to help all who come to Him. The choice is ours to accept or reject His offer. I recommend that we accept it.
Jesus, as the door and the good shepherd, is steadfast, strong and capable of protecting what belongs to Him. He cites the hireling as someone who is hired but given, he does not have a stake in the sheepfold, when danger comes, he flees and leaves the sheep to be scattered and destroyed.
Moving beyond the shepherd’s paradigm, let’s look at King Jesus vs. our Presidents, Prime Ministers and other world leaders. Their differences could not be more profound. He is the caring King; they are the wielding and dealing hires.
Jesus can be categorized as the King – Shepherd who owns and loves His sheep. We who serve Him are His sheep. Therefore, in the world we have Jesus as our keeper. He came and gave His life for us. He was not elected. He was born with this Kingly honour. More than King of kings, He is God and Lord of lords!
Then, there are the politicians. They are not “good” shepherds. Likewise, they don’t own the people; neither do the people belong to them. They are elected to serve their nations. Often, to be elected they promise to govern, or rule, and execute their nation’s domestic and foreign policies on the basis of their countries’ national interests. However, many have failed to keep their word to their people.
Governance under the Climate Agenda: Realities vs. Propaganda in the End Times
This agenda is the cause for much consternation among many peoples. Their level of anxiety has increased. Fear is growing and trust is lacking, due, mostly, to the propagation of the “gospel of climate change.” We will read the following text:
15 So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind. 16 Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. 17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone. 18 By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed—by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths. 19 For [e]their power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents, having heads; and with them they do harm.
20 But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. 21 And they did not repent of their murders or their [f]sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.
(Source: Revelation –Chapter 9 – Verses 15-21, NKJV)
In Chapters 6, 8 and 9 of the Book of Revelation we can read of the seven seals, the seven trumpets and the seven bowls. These all relate to judgment God will administer on the earth and on man. They are pending and will occur at God’s appointed time. These “dues” will be paid for the sins of the people across the world.
The disasters or plagues will result in woes, famine, hunger, despair, death, sicknesses, and destruction of people, animals and the environment in many diverse places.
There is something that is happening in the spiritual realm. Information is being deposited to those who are in touch with the satanic world that God will judge the world for her sins, very soon. However, rather than promote repentance, world leaders are serving up more debauchery to further undermine godly principles while at the same time they are championing the pending doom as climate change.
Consequently, the strident efforts by political, academic and media elites today, to curb the behaviors of people in regard to their quality of living standards will only hurt the people. These are mere distractions. They cannot save the earth from what God will do. Yet still, these officials are busily instituting policies that are going to be heart-wrenching and painful for people around the world. If they are not yet in your country, then, keep watching you will see these policies appearing bit-by-bit.
We see reports of protests against “the system” and against the institutionalization of these policies in some countries. Everyone everywhere will eventually experience the difficulties, if these policies are upheld. The only thing that can “impress” God is sustained prayer from His people. We must continually pray for the people and the leaders of the world. Pray that they will fear Him.
Under the climate change policies there will be a reduction of food production. There will also be other harsh measures to limit the use of fuel, and so forth. These restrictions will be all for nothing! In that they cannot save the planet from God’s plagues. Even if they were viable, God still intends to judge this unrepentant world. So, when He is ready to have His wrath poured out on the planet nothing will stop Him.
Why now? You see to answer the question, why now, we have to listen to what is being said. There are those who have been arguing that the world will end in a certain number of years. Possibly seven years are left on their clock, if nothing is done to save the planet. Consequences of climate policies include the following:
Pain! Pain is considered a necessity for this transition process. The term transition is used often by politicians to point to the reset-process underway.
Further, policy makers are alarmed that the world population is expected to reach its 8th billionth mark before the end of 2022. They have convinced themselves that the world cannot sustain this population, so they are pushing abortion as a goal to combat population growth. It is not the way to go. It is evil in God’s sight!
This is a time for repentance: a global cry to God for the wretchedness of men. “Sin is a reproach to any people,” the Bible submits, and thus, their efforts to prevent His wrath will not suffice. Sin is the existential threat to man. It is the state of defiance and the inclination to be wicked before God. Its dividend is death! Should the nations repent, the lands will be healed. The world cannot expect there would be no consequence to living lives far from the standards God has set forth for us. He told us, for example, to be holy, for He is holy. (Source: 1 Peter 1: 16)
The hirelings will flee to their caves to hide from God’s wrath after leading the populace on a path of destruction.
Above, in the Scripture text, from Revelation, we read, it is clearly mentioned that when disaster strikes, people will not repent, despite the horrors they will witness. There is a reason for this: the people would have been conditioned, for years, to believe that God’s wrath has nothing to do with man’s sin, but that these plagues are all climate related, natural occurrences. So, as you can see the people will not repent. They will most likely call the matter a climate disaster or something along that line.
How Global Solutions are endangering the Lives of People?
Why are world’s solutions causing hardships? That’s the intent. Those who are imposing these policies don’t love the people. They are hirelings! They have in mind an agenda that will add more woes and sufferings on the people rather than let the people continue to live and enjoy their lives in prosperity, dignity and freedom from control. Meantime, they are pretending that God does not exist. So, He cannot see and will not judge them, they think. They are wrong!
Their solutions today are designed to satiate a few at the helm that are under the assumption that their responses to the coming horrors will prevent same, or at least save them. This matter is beyond their control, and they need to acknowledge it. Meanwhile, some among them do vociferously advance their abominations and push their fingers in the apple of God’s eyes vis-à-vis their policies. Yet, they don’t seem to expect His retaliation. Not ever!
When it suites them, they deny His existence. At other times they misuse His Holy name and dishonours Him. How could the world continue to think that they will get away with these things? Let’s see what others, centuries ago, experienced.
At one time, the Lord rained down fire and brimstone on a certain number of cities in the Middle East in the time of Abraham. Brimstones and other evidence are there still. Then, at another time the earth was flooded for 40 days. Then, God destroyed every person except eight individuals in one family. Some have cast doubt on the validity of these Biblical accounts. Be sure that the Bible is reporting the Truth, for God cannot lie. Satan is the father of lies, though. Nevertheless, God did say that in the future He will not destroy the earth by flood, but instead, by fire.
Let’s read this text:
The Coming Judgment
…6through which the world of that time perished in the flood. 7And by that same word, the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. 8Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.…
The Hirelings Are Inflicting Pain. How So?
Their Policies! Policies! Agendas! Agendas!
The global reset: a push for a “liberal world order” where evidently, essential resources will be scarce, such as food, fuel, electricity, housing, etc., due to government policies. These climate policies are being pushed right now. They have their tentacles spread across all spheres under the government: education, environment, housing, health, judiciary, military and elsewhere. Their agents or bureaucrats are expected to enforce compliance from the people. As painful as it will be, people will comply because they need the services. Businesses will also be asked to comply with these policies, or else!
Ban on meat, fertilizers, fuel and the like will be the lot for the poor or masses. The elites will never be affected. They will always take care of themselves and their friends. We have seen this movie before. Such measures will not save the planet. They will, however, cause grave hardships on the people. It will be a sad, loveless world, where starvation is rife.
Let’s read this text:
5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So, I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales[c] in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A [d]quart of wheat for a [e]denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”
(Source: Revelation– Chapter 2- Verses 5-6)
The present global policies will impact the future in unexpected ways. They will create international food shortages and major health crises. Food insecurity, nutritional deficiencies, world hunger, international starvation, global wars and deaths of millions will follow. World peace will be an illusion.
In addition, the people will turn their rage towards God, while at the same time more efforts will be under way to promote promiscuity, instead of repentance.
Cold! Deaths during winter will rise significantly! Heating will be a dream. There will be restrictions on the use of natural gas, coals, petrol and such like. Electricity will be a luxury. Can you imagine life without your car, the internet, TV, cell phones, electric stoves, lights and so forth? People will feel as though the world has regressed back to the primitive era. Amenities they are accustomed to now, will be unknown to their children. Crime will spiral out of control.
This very simple submission is designed to help us see that the proposed “liberal world order” is designed to enslave and kill mass numbers of people across the global and to change our way of life. Indeed, these harrowing propositions cannot be imagined, as in most instances people give their elected officials the benefit of the doubt. There is often the underlying assumption that they are working for “our good,” at least this is what they say.
On the contrary, it’s not the case. Not according to the “script” they are following. Very quickly they fall in line and concur with the globalist agenda. The few world leaders, who resist, are intolerable to the globalists; they don’t want to deal with obstinate elected officials. These will cause delay, and for them, the matter requires haste. They are racing against God’s time clock; they have a planet to save from “God and the human race.” Thus, the globalists require compliance for the “global good.” This, for them is a global emergency.
The globalists, along with their partner and allies, who, in many instances, are elected and unelected officials in different countries, have failed to take into consideration “the God factor.” God calls the shots. He has set times and seasons. Man may be governing nation-states, but He is on His throne in heaven. He spoke what shall be established at appointed times and His word is His command. His will cannot be stymied by the intent, interests or plans of men. God is all powerful!
God is merciful. He has extended His hand of grace to all. He has placed on the table forgiveness of sins. He calls on us to repent of our sins. Kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, globalists, CEOs, and the rest of us all need to repent. Let’s take the opportunity to pray and turn to Him, perchance He may turn and hold off of His judgment. We must repent!
Lastly, we can see precedence of how sin corrupted an entire nation, Judah, centuries ago and how it eventually brought down that kingdom:
2 And the Lord sent against him raiding [a]bands of Chaldeans, bands of Syrians, bands of Moabites, and bands of the people of Ammon; He sent them against Judah to destroy it, according to the word of the Lord which He had spoken by His servants the prophets. 3 Surely at the commandment of the Lord this came upon Judah, to remove them from His sight because of the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he had done, 4 and also because of the innocent blood that he had shed; for he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, which the Lord would not pardon.
(Source: 2 Kings– Chapter 24- Verses 2-4)
The word of the Lord will bring about His desires. Evil leaders are bent on destruction, but they will be defeated! Don’t go down with them. Remember, they don’t love us!
Asking the Strategic Question-Why? Is Crucial in the End Times
I have been known to be a prolific questioner. In fact, my former boss in a certain institution repeatedly told me that I asked very hard questions. I would sit there and smile. For a long time, people have been forced to be quiet. Many are told, “Shut up and just do as you are told!”
We are living in the days, the Last Days, where we are to keep asking questions. We are not to be sponges, we are recipients of God’s authority, His mandates and commands. These were given for us to observe and make sense of the world around us. We are to be vigilant! Not be lulled asleep!
In the age of technology, there are neon lights flashing on billboards, where almost everyone owns a cell phone and just a few, a billion or two, are not avid participants on two or more social media platforms. We are in a world that only bits of information are approved by certain ones self-appointed to judge the message and the messengers. These ones evaluate the various messages or voices and determine who is to be heard and who is to be silenced, in the process of communicating ideas and messages. These ones lose sight of the fact that they themselves might be conveying bad information or that they might be advocating for ungodly values, they might be also “brain-washed,” so what’s to be done?
Jesus talks to His disciples about the concept of deception. He uttered a warning saying the following:
7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
(Source: The Galatians -Chapter 6: Verses 7 & 8, NKJV)
Additionally, in the Book of Matthew, we see that-
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
(Source: Matthew-Chapter 24: Verses 4-8, KJV)
In our days there will be crises, destabilization and efforts to “fundamentally change” what was working to the something men find more attractive. The question is why? Pride! Certain men have turned away from God and aspire to become their own gods. Wealth and power have deceived them. They will perish!
We have the responsibility to not be demoralized, marginalized, turn away from the truth or be found wanting as a result of the crises or thirst for change underway.
Yet again, I refer to what Jesus told us in the Book of Mark:
33 Be on guard! Be alert[e]! You do not know when that time will come. 34 It’s like a man going away: He leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with their assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch.
35 “Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back—whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. 36 If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. 37 What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’”
(Source: Mark -Chapter 13: Verses 33-36, NKJV)
Here is another significant Scripture text. It resembles the nuanced political scenario in our day. It is:
Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.
(Source: Exodus 1: 18 KJV)
This points to a Pharaoh who ascended to power decades after Joseph had served as Governor in Egypt and had saved Egypt during the seven years of famine. The new king wanted nothing to do with the God of Israel or His people, the Children of Israel. So, he dealt deceptively with Israel and the resultant oppression, slavery, ensued. Many times, afterwards Israel experienced similar betrayal. They faced Pogroms, Expulsions, the Holocaust and today-- the BDS Movement. These paradigms are here for warnings, but where pride is present in the hearts of man, they do foolish, harmful things such as rejecting God and those who serve Him.
If God were to be off the scene, which is impossible, the result is darkness. Let’s read this Scripture text:
2But your iniquities have separated
you from your God;
your sins have hidden his face from you,
so that he will not hear.
3 For your hands are stained with blood,
your fingers with guilt.
Your lips have spoken falsely,
and your tongue mutters wicked things.
4 No one calls for justice;
no one pleads a case with integrity.
They rely on empty arguments, they utter lies;
they conceive trouble and give birth to evil.
7 Their feet rush into sin;
they are swift to shed innocent blood.
They pursue evil schemes;
acts of violence mark their ways.
15 Truth is nowhere to be found,
and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey.
(Source: Isaiah Chapter 59: Verses 2-4, 7, 15, NKJV)
These are the fruits of darkness. Jesus expects us to walk in the Light. For He is the Light of the world. (John 8:12).
Here is a list of strategic pointers to help us in the times we are living:
1. Discerning of spirits. This helps us in combating communication campaigns designed to foster the fundamental change that is underway. These efforts are not to draw us to Jesus, so be aware. (1 Cor. 12: 10)
2. Remember the lovingkindness of the Lord. (Neh. 9:17)
3. Be strong and of good courage. (Joshua 1: 6, 7)
4. Trust in God. (See Ps 25: 2)
5. Call on the name of the Lord and you shall be saved. (Rom 10:13)
6. Pray without ceasing. (1 Thess. 5: 17)
7. Preserve the ancient landmarks. (Prov 22: 28)
8. Support Israel. (Gen 12: 3)
There is no need to reimagine anything or destroy the foundation of truth to build on something that is unsound or ungodly. We have the Word of God, let us build our expectations, only, on Jesus.
May the Lord help you and me to be bold to ask questions of the messengers of change. Such questions should include:
· Why do we need change?
· To what do we change?
· How will that look?
· Who benefits?
· What’s the price do we have to pay?
· Where does Jesus fit into this new world order?
The answers will inform your decision.
The Lord is good, my friend. Do not put anyone or anything before God. God is the Great King and Satan knows it. Satan is defeated and the date of his judgment is set. Do not walk away from Jesus, He sets us up to be more than conquerors (Rom 8: 37). Let us holdfast to Him in this ever-changing landscape.
Letter to the Church in the 21st Century
10 And they who know Your name [who have experience and acquaintance with Your mercy] will lean on and confidently put their trust in You, for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek (inquire of and for) You [on the authority of God’s Word and the right of their necessity].
11 Sing praises to the Lord, Who dwells in Zion! Declare among the peoples His doings!
(Psalm 9: 10-11, Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC),
On the evening of Saturday May 16, 2020, the Lord asked me to write three blogs. One on Israel’s 72nd Independence Anniversary, the other to Black American Men, my Brothers, and the third, to write to the Church about President Trump.
On Sunday May 17th, I wrote the blog on Israel, likening her to the prudent wife. On Monday May 18th, I drafted the letter to my Black Brother, see post below. I relayed, in graphic details, not done before, my childhood experiences, again, as I was led to do. Concerning the third assignment, I decided, on my own, to shelf it for later.
I did so as I wanted to stay away from the fray of controversy, given the American political climate. Nevertheless, whatever my reasoning and objections they were obviously unacceptable to the Lord. Thus, after posting the other two blogs late Tuesday night (May 19th), I went to sleep. I was up on the morning, Wednesday May 20th, at 3:15 am. I prayed and must have fallen off to sleep. As I would do often, I would recommence praying when I wake, again, sometime later.
So, in my second round of prayer, the Lord interrupted me and started to talk to me. He spoke about the “other assignment” He had instructed me to do, I then reflected to Him my reasons, He then instructed to follow Him and to obey.
As I heard Him speak I wrote. Afterwards, I went to the living room, opened the curtain and hung around for a bit, I then returned to bed. While, I would have welcomed sleep, the Lord, however, decided to dictate additional concerns to me. I kept reaching for the paper to write. Thus, by 8:00 am I was up again. Drank my fiber drink, sat in the living room to eat grapes and looked outside. I prayed and pondered on the consequences of this assignment. I exercised and showered to get ready to write the draft letter.
In fact one of the things the Lord told me was to “pay your vows;” “keep your pledge.” It happened, back on Saturday April 18, 2020, three times, the Lord told me to represent Him faithfully, I said yes, then. Now, He was reminding me that I made promises to fulfill my appoints to Him and now I was backing out. Of course, when one says yes, we have to serve the Lord so that He will be, at all times, glorified.
The Message to the Church: the Lord’s Body
Jesus is coming soon! The Lord is exceedingly gracious and compassionate!
As you well know COVID-19 has impacted the entire world. Likewise, there was a shift in the world order in March 2020. The old order has collapsed! The Lord is well aware of these geopolitical factors. Like many of you, I have been praying for the riddance of this plague, the Coronavirus, from the face of the earth, especially, given the fact that so many lives were lost and that there are millions of people facing grave economic challenges and despair because of the policies that were implemented to combat this highly contagious virus. I have entreated the Lord with fasting and prayers. Undoubtedly, countless Christians and churches, across the globe, have done similarly.
Here is what the Lord told me to write to you in this letter. This is the Word of the Lord solely to His body, the church.
The Lord argued: that His body is in the world, and it’s not to be of the world. He maintains that His word, alone, is the source of our influence. Thus, He contends that His church, is not living in light of His precepts. Consequently, He asks, how can we give light to the world? The Lord submits that He is coming soon and He wants us to be ready! He says that He loves us and is not seeing us living in accordance to His word. He says in John 17: 9 He prayed for the church and not for the world, but the church has taken leadership from the world rather than from His word. Thus, His intent is to help each of us see ourselves in the same manner He sees us so that we can make the appropriate changes, while we can, lest we be left behind upon His sudden and imminent return. Only, by living in accordance to His word, His kingdom will come to earth.
The Lord said: His body, the church, is divided and thus, He is not paying attention to what we say when we pray. He said that the church is divided in these two main streams: the white church and the black church! There are those who can’t figure out that when I made man and woman, the Lord says, it was in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them. (Gen 1: 27). Racial division is not sanctioned by Me, says the Lord. No, I am not on any racial divide, for I am holy, says the Lord. Out of Adam and Eve He produced all men, He confirmed. The Lord stressed to me, that unlike mankind, that there are two kinds of men in His view: the carnally minded man and the spiritually minded man (Rom 8:6-7). The Lord stressed: only the man, the spiritually minded man, who lives in accordance to His word will make it to heaven, not the carnal man! We all must know which we are, says the Lord. It is not the race of the man He looks at but He knows and sees the heart!
The Lord Jesus says: He and the Father are One! There is no division in the kingdom of heaven, yet, how come His body is divided? His body! He rejects, outright, a divided church. He says that the division is not from Him and that we must get our act together, that we have sinned against Him. The Lord indicates that He is not moved by the sentiments of His people who are divided and are disobedient. The Lord insists that the church must rise above the spiritual warfare and that we are to fight knowing that we are not fighting against men whose skin is black or white but our fight is against spiritual forces in wicked places. Do not “cast off restraint” and discredit His holy name, says the Lord.
He said, the reason He allowed COVID-19 to permeate was to get the church’s attention. Nevertheless, the church is going around in circles, doing its own thing, He submits. The Lord reminded me that He loves us, and sets the requirement for the world to know that we be belong to Him: For us to have Love for each other! He wishes we could see His concerns for us.
The Lord said: people argue that the vote is personal, not so! He stresses, it has deep public policy consequences and it has for a long time.
The Church’s Responsibility vis-à-vis President Trump
The Lord told me: He called Nebuchadnezzar “My Servant.” He says that Nebuchadnezzar was not a Jew or a Christian! He said that when men rise to power (including past presidents), He was and is fully consonant of their rise to office. The Lord said that we have a myriad of paradigms of different leadership in the Bible, leaders who rebelled against Him, leaders who submitted to Him, leaders who had to learn the hard way. He posits that there in nothing new under the sun. He says that He has mandated the church, His body, to thus, pray for the men (and women) in authority. Therefore, says the Lord, that He has given President Trump the presidency and it is the church’s duty to pray for him. He, the Lord, requires that the church seize the opportunity to be about His business in these Last Days, but instead, the church acts like the world, He says.
The Lord says: He is the Judge! Therefore, let Him be the judge of men, the church included! He says that Trump is the last US president that will acknowledge Him/His name as the Lord! He indicated that He, the Lord Jesus, is coming soon and that there is not much time left for the church or the world to be judged, by Him! The Lord demands that the church prays for presidents, governors, mayors and all other elected officials, that they will govern in the fear of the Lord, this is our duty, He emphasized.
The Lord said: in the same manner He used Barnabas to introduced Paul to the Council of Elders in Jerusalem. He has validated Trump as the 45th US President and that He has the power to do so, says the Lord. He reminded me that, He is the Lord of lords!
The Lord says: He can’t understand how the church could come to a place where it is a political entity rather than the representative of His kingdom, designated by Him, to pray for the nations and lead men to Him. He reminded me that all men are born in sin. He revealed that He left us here to be His representatives. He called us friends as He has shared His Father’s secrets with us. The Lord says, He is the Lord, the King of kings, and thus, how can the church disobey Him and dishonor Him before men? See, says the Lord, look, at the signs all around you that tell you I am coming quickly, says the Lord! The Lord wants us to be ready and not be like the foolish virgins! They, He said, thought that they would make it.
The Lord asks: “Why then are you ready to give up “My principles and covenants” for promises that will negatively impact your children and grandchildren?” The Lord says, “in the future, leaders will try to convince your children that God does not exist, not only here but all around the world.”
The Lord calls on the church to offer to Him true repentance. He says that the church’s idols are in their hearts.
The Lord maintains: that He appointed us to get up and be busy with His work, He reflected that there is a time coming when it will not be possible to work. Nevertheless, He watches the divided church not know what to do. “He sets up rulers, says the Lord, and He argued how the sin of Israel is facing the church today, as they did not, so we have not recognized the time of our “season.” This season we have left to us, is to finish His work.” The Lord has asked, “Is the church ready for His appearing?” The Lord reminded me that He sent us the Holy Spirit to teach us how to live holy and triumphally, but, we have not sought Him, He argued!
Consequently, this is what the Lord recommends:
31 Cast away from you all your transgressions by which you have transgressed against Me, and make you a new mind and heart and a new spirit. For why will you die, O house of Israel?
32 For I have no pleasure in the death of him who dies, says the Lord God. Therefore turn (be converted) and live!
(Ezekiel 18 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC),
The Lord calls on the Body of Christ to:
Repentance — before Him.
Reconciliation — with each other.
Praise — Him as one body.
Let us pray: Abba Father who art in heaven, You alone are God. You have given Your word and You require obedience over protestations. We are Your people, help us to hear Your word and be doers. Forgive us of our sins of division, pride and idolatry. Father, we repent as the body of Christ and seek Your face and together, we take our brother and sister by the hand and say we are sorry, we forgive each other of our sins. Heal the church, Your body. Lead us not into temptation, lest You spew us out of Your mouth for our lukewarm state and sin. We were designated the salt of the earth Abba Father, but we have failed You and thus, we repent today. Have mercy on us, Abba Father. Teach us to love one another, in Jesus name. Amen.
Yours: Cherub Angela
PS: Update on Saturday May 30, 2020
Pentecost Weekend. The Lord drew to my attention, early in the morning of Saturday May 30th, that when the disciples were in the Upper Room in Jerusalem, in one accord, then the Holy Spirit fell upon them with Tongues of Fire and they were filled with the Holy Spirit (See Acts 1 & 2). He then outlined to me that for His Joel II Outpouring to take place in the Last Days, the church, black and white, will have to come together and be in one accord. The Lord maintains, He is neither the God of the white church nor of the black church, He is the Lord of all! He will not be diminished to the God of races, He is One!
The Lord indicated that the church should take a look at Genesis 44: 14, 16 and 18-34. These provide a highlight of the tenor of relations in Jacob’s household. The brothers were divided amongst themselves, thus the house of Jacob was divided. The sons of Jacob had to learn to love and forgive each other, so, must the church, says the Lord. Or the church will not give light and will hide in shame in the face of darkness, says the Lord. Judah (means, Praise), he stepped forward before Joseph to offer himself as surety for his brother Benjamin. The Lord awaits Praise to lead the way, but Praise cannot come forth, He contended, if there is no trust among the Brethren. We are heading to our Father’s house and there is no room for division, racism, hatred, bitterness, or in-fighting.
The Lord awaits a unified “black and white” church to step forth with one voice to offer Psalms of Deliverance to Him before the American people.
The Lord told me to write: “The church must march to His drum beat, not to the standards of the world.”
The Lord said: “My people are to be in the world but not of the world.”
This is the Word of the Lord to His body, the church. Jesus is coming soon!
PS: I offer my condolences to the Floyd family on the senseless death of Mr. George Floyd, after a police officer used his knee to murder him in the street following his arrest, May 25, 2020,. This a a sin against all humanity and against God who created man. God stands by His law, You shall not murder (Ex 20: 13).
Letter to My Black Brother: God’s Perspective of you is great and empowering!
My mother was married at aged 19 to her sweet-heart, her pen pal, my dad. By the time she was 29, my parents were separated. She bundled her five children, three girls and two boys off to a strange area, more than 90 miles from the comfortable life we had known. I was 10 years old.
At first we stayed with her grandmother, our great grandmother, then, another big adjustment faced us. Our mum was leaving, this time to get a job in the city. After another six months or so, the house our great grandmother was living in was sold. She was now forced to move. The decision was made that we will live with our mother’s mother, our grandmother and her husband.
After approximately a year and a half, our mother, who came every weekend, moved us to an apartment for us to live “on our own.” I was now age 12. My two sisters and two brothers and I lived there by ourselves for four years. What! Yes! I must mention that during this four year period our dad did come by to visit with us from time to time.
I share this with you my American Brother, to tell you there is hope for you. Our neighbours “watched” us. I became the manager, the organizer, the helper and supporter of my siblings. My grandmother, who lived four lots away, would check on us regularly; she was a no-nonsense person. Our mother came every weekend, bringing with her our needed supplies, including books for us to read. There were times she came, suddenly, during the week to “see” what was going on.
We were not neglected. We were well taken care of. My sister, the one after me, and I got up early, at 5:00 am in the mornings to cook our lunch. Our grandmother would leave her warm bed to come and wake us up every morning and then she would return to her home. We would wake the others at around 6:00 am for showers and getting dressed; eating breakfast, Crackers and Cheese Spread, with Tea. We always had lots of food in our house. My mum would purchase a cartoon of canned milk/cream for the month, a large tin of crackers per week and any protein we wanted for the lunches. My country is a place rich in fruits and vegetables, so we were healthy.
What was my mother doing in the city? Studying and working. She improved her Typing Skills, wrote GCE O’Levels and she did other studies. Eventually, in the 1990s she graduated from university with a BSc Degree in Public Management. God is good. Mum was “no superwoman,” what made the difference in her life was the fact God went out before her and there were three women of great significance that stood with her. They understood her plight, you see they were also “overcomers.” One was my aunt, my dad’s only sister, another, my charming godmother and the other, a strong woman of faith herself, our cousin. None of them were defeated by life’s challenges. I learnt perseverance from them.
Nevertheless, in the latter four year period before moving to the city with mum, she would depart on Sunday afternoons for the city. Among the things she would do is: for us girls, on Saturday afternoons, upon her arrival, she would “Corn-row” our hair. On Sundays she would press all our uniforms (e.g. 25 shirts for all of us, one per day for the five of us, plus the skirts and pants), to get us ready for the week. During the week and on Saturday mornings, I would wash all the clothes. We had to clean and scrub the house, and wash our hair before mum arrived on Saturday afternoons. My mum did not “play.” Consequently, we were and have remained much disciplined young people. We also enjoyed church and the community therein. When there were certain national events, mum made arrangements for us to travel to the city and then, afterwards, we will return home. So, we had a full life. By summer of 1979 she moved us to the city. I was now aged 16.
I share these details with you to tell you I have an important message from the Lord for you and although, I am not an American, I have met the criteria to talk with you. Brother, I felt that the Lord desired that I share these details on my life.
I was there to support my mother. I matured quickly. I am the first born. I succeeded at my career because God has been with me, all my life, in an exceptional way: He gave me great mentors, a wonderful godmother, teachers and adults in church who cared, and that included a very important man who thought of me as his daughter. I am a Trained Teacher. I have a BSc Degree in Communication, a Post Graduate Certificate in Diplomacy and a MA Degree in International Relations. There is no limit to what we can accomplish with God on our side. I am a Christian! I gave my heart to the Lord from age 12 and ever since, He has been with me. I am a black woman, but for me it is a hue and not a “distinction of a deficit,” when I think of myself. I see potentials. I look in the mirror and hear of God’s love for me. I see His promises and learn His word so that what He tells me I accept and look forward to living in the promises He makes to me. You can too. God is our Father!
My American Brother, I do not deny that you or someone you know may have experienced racism. It must be stressed, however, God is not the author of racism. Racism is the product of sin and a condition of the heart. Sin is the consequence of disobedience to God! Wherever it exists, despite the colour of the skin, racism is unjustified. No racist will have a seat in the Kingdom of God. Please let us work to get to heaven so in our hearts, Brother, we have to forgive and let God bring justice. Guard your heart, Brother, do not let yourself get sucked in and respond to racism with racism. Let God help you!
The Issues that Matter to you Bro
My American Brother, you are here today, because, thankfully, your mother did not abort you. This culture of death is impacting many communities and countries, far and wide. You’d be surprise how often women have to make the definite decision not to go down that road, sometimes the suggestion comes as a matter of course. Meanwhile, thousands of human beings are aborted annually.
The culture of death is tied to demonic principalities which thrive in communities where innocent blood is shed. Abortion is one example, and there are other stark paradigms. The principalities of death receive their powers through murder – these spirits aim to take the “man” out in his infancy, if not by abortion, then, later, via drug over dose, or by shots in the streets, or wrongful deaths in other ways, including suicides. Let’s take the power away from these principalities thru’ the name of Jesus!
Brother, you have the weapons to fight against these strongholds. The weapons of this warfare are: Scriptures, prayers and intercessions; as well as faith in God, the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, and the instrument of love. Brother, I adjure you to fight for your community. The only way is on your knees. You will win! It may take the collaboration of all peoples to join in prayer to “bind” the stronghold of racism so that there are no more acts of racism against any ethnic group. Racism is a spiritual stronghold. There is no stronghold that can be defeated by fists, they can only be defeated by the power of the name of Jesus and His blood which was shed for the remission of our sins.
Look at you Brother, tall, medium built, muscular, handsome and black. You pause in front of the mirror, just long enough to comb your short curly hair. But, stop! Look, look again. See what the Lord is saying to you, He is telling you that He is your maker. Not black, not defeated, not a loser, but a man whom He loves and has a purpose and a plan for. O, Brother, see your future, your white even teeth, your dreams, hear His voice!
Brother, remember this: no one can legislate love. Many fathers have not loved their own children, how can one expect a stranger to love them without the love of God abiding in him or her? Can you? We live in a sinful world and all men were born into this sin-sick world. However, those who are “born again” have a new hope. Love comes from the heart of God. He loves you. You can walk in this world a victor. Walk as in Hebrews 13: 6 says:
So we may boldly say:
The Lord is my helper;
I will not fear,
What can man do to me?
Thus, in the following are a few Scriptures for your consideration:
18 Timothy, my child, I entrust to you this command, which is in accordance with the words of prophecy spoken in the past about you. Use those words as weapons in order to fight well,19 and keep your faith and a clear conscience. Some people have not listened to their conscience and have made a ruin of their faith.
(1 Timothy 1:18-19, Good News Translation (GNT),
37 No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us! 38 For I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, 39 neither the world above nor the world below—there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Romans 8:37-38, Good News Translation (GNT),
11 For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
(Jeremiah 29:11, Amplified Bible (AMP),
Finally, please follow God’s plans for your life, in your job, in your vote, in your purchases, in your choice of a wife, in teaching your children, in relationship with Him. In your need for guidance, the following Scripture text will be helpful:
2 By this you know and recognize the Spirit of God: every spirit that acknowledges and confesses [the fact] that Jesus Christ has [actually] come in the flesh [as a man] is from God [God is its source];3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus [acknowledging that He has come in the flesh, but would deny any of the Son’s true nature] is not of God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and is now already in the world.4 Little children (believers, dear ones), you are of God and you belong to Him and have [already] overcome them [the agents of the antichrist]; because He who is in you is greater than he (Satan) who is in the world [of sinful mankind].5 They [who teach twisted doctrine] are of the world and belong to it; therefore they speak from the [viewpoint of the] world [with its immoral freedom and baseless theories—demanding compliance with their opinions and ridiculing the values of the upright], and the [gullible one of the] world listens closely and pays attention to them.6 We [who teach God’s word] are from God [energized by the Holy Spirit], and whoever knows God [through personal experience] listens to us [and has a deeper understanding of Him]. Whoever is not of God does not listen to us. By this we know [without any doubt] the spirit of truth [motivated by God] and the spirit of error [motivated by Satan].
(1 John 4:2-6, Amplified Bible (AMP),
Brother, God loves you! Thus, as a human being, made in God’s image, we declare that you will no longer have to fear for your life or safety, you will not be victimized, nor will you be criminalized for the colour of your skin, you are not inferior. God made you so let Him have charge over you and give Him responsibility to protect you from all harm. Live! Fulfill your purpose! Yield not to temptation. Do unto to others what is right. This is His message for you.
Jesus is coming soon Brother, be expectant, be ready to go up with Him!
Cherub on her 24th Birthday, in Teacher’s Training College in 1987
Your sister: Cherub
PS: Update: Friday May 29, 2020
Eight days after the Letter to My Black Brother was written, (on Monday May 18th), Mr George Floyd of Minneapolis was arrested on Monday May 25th (Memorial Day), and died in police custody, in the street, when a cop pressed his knee on Mr Floyd’s neck for over five minutes. The emotions across the country, from politicians to youths, have spanned the range, from grief to outrage. Some people have taken matters into their hands and are violating the rule of law.
As a Christian, I ask myself, what do I do in this situation? I pray for Mr Floyd’s family, the community, the officials in the state and the country, as well as for you my American Brother. I’m so sorry Mr Floyd would never be able to read this letter from the Lord thru’ me. However, you can, and I pray that you will inspire your other Brothers to accept God’s outstretched hands of love and peace. For “the gift of God is eternal life thru’ Jesus Christ our Lord.” (John 3: 16).
Happy Birthday Israel! How Proverbs 31 is a Paradigm of God’s Blessing on the Jewish State
Israel’s Independence Anniversary
Modern Israel, in May 2020, marked a major milestone in global history. She celebrated her 72nd Anniversary as a nation-state.
In many instances in the Bible, Israel and Judah and other neighbouring kingdoms were likened to women as a metaphor.
Thus, it is apt to take a look at Israel in light of Proverbs 31: 10-31
[d]An excellent woman [one who is spiritual, capable, intelligent, and virtuous], who is he who can find her?
Her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls.
The heart of her husband trusts in her [with secure confidence],
And he will have no lack of gain.
She comforts, encourages, and does him only good and not evil
All the days of her life.
She looks for wool and flax
And works with willing hands in delight.
She is like the merchant ships [abounding with treasure];
She brings her [household’s] food from far away.
She rises also while it is still night
And gives food to her household
And assigns tasks to her maids.
She considers a field before she buys or accepts it [expanding her business prudently];
With her profits she plants fruitful vines in her vineyard.
She equips herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task]
And makes her arms strong.
She sees that her gain is good;
Her lamp does not go out, but it burns continually through the night [she is prepared for whatever lies ahead].
She stretches out her hands to the [e]distaff,
And her hands hold the spindle [as she spins wool into thread for clothing].
She opens and extends her hand to the poor,
And she reaches out her filled hands to the needy.
She does not fear the snow for her household,
For all in her household are clothed in [expensive] scarlet [wool].
She makes for herself coverlets, cushions, and rugs of tapestry.
Her clothing is linen, pure and fine, and purple [wool].
Her husband is known in the [city’s] gates,
When he sits among the elders of the land.
She makes [fine] linen garments and sells them;
And supplies sashes to the merchants.
Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position is strong and secure;
And she smiles at the future [knowing that she and her family are prepared].
She opens her mouth in [skillful and godly] wisdom,
And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue [giving counsel and instruction].
She looks well to how things go in her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and call her blessed (happy, prosperous, to be admired);
Her husband also, and he praises her, saying,
“Many daughters have done nobly, and well [with the strength of character that is steadfast in goodness],
[f]But you excel them all.”
Charm and grace are deceptive, and [superficial] beauty is vain,
But a woman who fears the Lord [reverently worshiping, obeying, serving, and trusting Him with awe-filled respect], she shall be praised.
Give her of the product of her hands,
And let her own works praise her in the gates [of the city].
(Proverbs 31: 10-3,
The rebirth of the Jewish State is one of the major signs of the Last Days. She is also likened to the Fig Tree. Israel’s tumultuous life’s experiences provide evidence of God’s power to keep and preserve her. She, Israel, has been resilient, tenacious, prosperous, innovative and reflective of God’s glory in her 72 years. Happy Anniversary Israel!
To recapture Israel’s essence let us read the following, from the Good News Translation (GNT):
30 Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears, but a woman who honors the Lord should be praised.
31 Give her credit for all she does. She deserves the respect of everyone.
(Proverbs 31: 30-31,
We Praise the Lord with you Israel!
Cherub A. Nicholls
History of Dominion Media
Company Overview Description
Dominion Media LLC is a “New” Media Organisation. It will function on two tracks: A website where I’ll submit a Blog on a regular basis, and a Podcast to be aired multiple times a week. In the Podcast we’ll be providing a critical assessment on Geopolitical News Events as well as reflections on Biblical Prophecies to see whether there are connections. The goal is to help the audience access the big picture! It is important to note that global events are not unfolding accidentally or by chance. They are actually underway in fulfillment to major future events which have been recorded in advance.
While the podcast will be posted on the website:, it will be also posted to other platforms, namely, iTunes, PodBean, Stitcher, Pandora, Spotify, Anchor, and so forth.
Dominion Media LLC is a Media Based Company owned by a woman, a newly immigrant legal resident. My background is in Communication and International Relations, a former diplomat. Thus, the company will reflect my background skills. Dominion Media has two key features:
1. Website:;
2. Podcast: The King is Coming Soon Podcast.
1. Advertisements;
2. Promotions of owner’s books. Cherub is an author.
Dominion Media was successfully registered on Thursday March 19, 2020. Its creation stems from the need for a new paradigm in the dissemination of news domestically and internationally.
The 21st Century is at the pinnacle of the Last Day geopolitical events. Are you stunned at the term: Last Days? It is pertinent to recognize that our generation is uniquely poised to see strange and unprecedented events. Events that are rapidly upending established norms and which are placing new, stringent mores upon us all. Take for example the Corona-virus and all the changes that came upon us, suddenly. I reflected riding on the Metro in Washington DC and getting off at a particular point and observing the hustle and bustle of people heading to work or someplace else and now, in April 2020, life is a standstill as it were, due to the calls to “Stay Home” while the policy makers fight the virus.
Cogently, Dominion Media is poised to critically analyze the news events but with an offering of hope. The hope in this time is that King Jesus is soon to come to rule and reign on earth.
For centuries, prophets have prophesied that the Lord is coming soon in accordance to the Scriptures. Consequently, Dominion Media is a viable news platform that will bring together the realization of the urgency of these events and posit the message, not to create fear but to calmly give a nuanced perspective that is currently lacking at this time.
Journalists can be likened to a term that is unusual in this context, it is the term: Watchmen. Thus, journalists ought to be noble and reliable as they are tasked with the responsibility to warn of danger, warn of threats and the like. However, the “watchmen” today are busy pushing an agenda and consequently their judgment is corrupted so that their warnings are “unreliable.”
Dominion Media seeks to be a reliable, truthful and an uncorrupted news source. This is needed so that the audience could hear the sound of the “trumpet” and be sure that what they have heard is timely and specific so that they will be able to make their appropriate lifelong decisions.
The King is Coming Soon – Website and Podcast
This Podcast is designed to examine, on a regular basis, the events affecting the globe, beginning in the US. There will be a systematic focus on the Middle East, on how events there, impact nation-states far away. Presentations will be analytical and revelatory. There will always be a closing segment dedicated to reviewing what is happening and if there is any correlation to past or future Biblical events or promises.
We will also consider the pivotal roles of certain countries across the globe.
The myriad of Peace Plans and or Proposals created to resolve the Arab-Israeli Conflict.
Finally, what are the signs in our day that point to the quick and soon return of the King of Israel, Jesus Christ?
Links to purchase copies of books written by Cherub A. Nicholls
Publishers via Amazon: Threads in the Tapestry Conflict and Resolution in the Middle East
Is the Two-State Solution the Only Viable Option for Middle East Peace?
Publisher: Dorrance, PA, 2014
Threads: Middle/dp/143491531X
The Legitimacy of the Holy Bible as a Legal Instrument
Is International Law Greater Than the Word of God?
Xulon Press, FL, Revised, 2020
Both books are available on
These books provide lucid roadmaps to world events vis-à-vis the Middle East Conflict as well as candid discussions on the Two-State Solution. Make gift packages for friends and church goers, non-goers, everyone in your sphere of influence.
The 21st Century now has its own universal plague on the record. Previous centuries dealt with similar, critical, global health crises, such as the Spanish Flu and so forth. Now, in the first quarter of 2020, the entire globe has been shut down because of the corona-virus, technically named COVID-19. This pandemic must be gotten rid of with great urgency.
We are living in interesting times. We are more aware, than ever before, that the world will never be the same. In fact, I have observed that the collapse of the last world order came in a 10 day period, Monday March 2 - Wednesday March 11, 2020.
There is great fear. Fear that the predicted high number of deaths will indeed occur. In some instances political leaders and local office holders are taking liberty to rendezvous with dictatorial policies. The uncertainty around how to move forward, how long to keep people in their homes, how long to keep the economies at standstill, how long to keep the planes out of the air, how long to keep farmers out of the farms and how long to keep airports closed remain some of the troubling questions?
These are pertinent questions. Can you picture the grim situation facing world leaders? This is where we come in. Christians and Jews! We have the key. We have the answer! No we are not scientists. However, Christian leaders and Rabbis have been hearing from the Lord on the way forward. Stay tuned.
We have learnt new terms such as:
Social distance/distancing, Therapeutics, the names of recommended drugs for treatment, “Comfort” and “Mercy” the names of the ships sent to New York and California. We hear often about Ventilators, N-95 Masks, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and the like. We must remain vigilant and pray, pray without ceasing. Please continue to pray for governments and medical professionals even after the “storm” has passed. The trauma may linger long after the virus is deemed “conquered.”
The Arab-Israeli Conflict
A second matter that also has global implication is the Arab-Israeli Conflict. COVID-19 is raging all across the Middle East, like elsewhere. Yet, Hamas and others continue to threaten the Sovereign State of Israel, and ultimately, the peace and security of the region.
Since the miraculous rebirth of the nation-state, Israel, the whole world seems to be watching her every move and seeks to interfere in her internal-domestic-affairs quite frequently.
This is because Israel is the major geopolitical factor of our time. She is crucial to the destinies to other countries. Thru’ her existence in the Last Days many nations will rise and fall.
The Oil Industry
Very little commerce is permitted during the COVID-19 shutdown. There is little need for oil and gas since governments are encouraging their people to stay indoors, stay-at-home, with the hope, the medical experts will be proven right. These experts have advocated that in order to “starve the Coronavirus” of life, as it is transmitted from human-to-human, human contact must be limited, hence the term “social distancing.” Consequently, cars are mostly parked in driveways and on sides of streets. There is little demand for gas or for motor vehicles. Therefore, the oil industry, nationally and internationally, is under grave threat. Lack of demand has driven prices down. There is fear in some quarters that the industry might collapse.
Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia and Russia were having a pricing dispute which had also contributed to the fall in the US stock market. President Trump had offered to mediate between these two oil exporters.
The outbreak and rapid spread of the Coronavirus have severely impacted all aspects of human activity. Wealthy nations are on the verge of grave economic decline. For many, it will take a great miracle to rebound. However, nothing is impossible with God.
No Church, No Religious Meetings on Site
Additionally, large and small gatherings are discouraged. Thus, churches are closed. This followed the command by public officials to “stay-at-home.”
Religious gatherings are not allowed or you can say have been “temporarily banned.” Oh, the churches have devised means of communication on multiple social media platforms and apps.
The conditions around the world are softening the hearts of many people who are now turning to God for hope and salvation.
The China Factor
The coronavirus allegedly emanated from China. This Communist State continues to deny that China is responsible for spread of the virus. Likewise, the World Health Organisation (WHO), has not been very truthful, transparent or critical of China. So, what is the solution? The US along with her Western allies and Israel are investing huge financial, intellectual resources and time to develop breakthrough drugs and vaccines to end the deadly power of COVID-19.